Alex Vorfi Featured in The London Economic

As part of The London Economic diversity in sport series, Noy Shani takes a look at how one man’s dream and dedication is making a difference to others in the West Midlands.

Birmingham City Council could not ignore the talent of one man who changed his own life and set a target to help as many people as possible through the sport of kickboxing.

Alex Vorfi, 28, will feature as a kickboxing coach as part of the council’s ‘Moving Forward’ initiative.

The initiative is designed to help 15-16 year-olds through a foster care scheme and equip them with the skills to deal effectively with everyday challenges, including getting them fit.

“I believe kickboxing can help with many aspects of life including fitness, health, strength, self-confidence and even to provide self-defence skills,” said the Albanian-born who set up his Birmingham-based ‘The Eagle Kickboxing Academy’ in 2012.

Alex has 56 regular members in his kickboxing club, representing more than 20 nations including Poland, Germany, Sweden and several countries from Asia.

Going by the mantra ‘there is something for everyone’, members vary from children aged 4 to adults in their 40s.

“A 41-year old man who joined the Academy in January 2014 weighing 104kg, is now weighing less than 80kilos. That’s a great result of his hard work and commitment. It is about giving something to the community.”

Read the article here.

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